Tag Archives: Liam Gallagher

Music by Bergman: Tim Burgess

Tim Burgess inherited Mick Jagger’s rock & roll swagger and big lips before Oasis’ Liam Gallagher became famous for them. When Burgess debuted with his group The Charlatans in the late ‘80s, he looked and sounded almost interchangeable with many of the Manchester, England artists at the time but by embracing other musical styles and moving forward, he has actually outlived his contemporaries. 

The Charlatans released their 12th album, Modern Nature, in 2015 and Burgess returned to his solo career, releasing a mix album called Tim Burgess Presents

Set for release on 23rd September via Bella Union, Tim Burgess has announced his new album ‘Typical Music’.

Music by Bergman: Liam Gallagher

Liam Gallagher (born 21 September 1972) is an English singer and songwriter. He achieved fame as the lead singer and frontman of the rock band Oasis from 1991 to 2009, and later fronted the rock band Beady Eye from 2009 to 2014, before starting a solo career in 2017.

Liam Gallagher has shared a new single called ‘C’mon You Know’, which the musician has himself dubbed “the sound of the summer”.

The song acts as the title track from the former Oasis frontman’s third solo album, which is out on May 27 via Warner. He’s already previewed the record with its lead single ‘Everything’s Electric’, featuring Dave Grohl on drums, no less.

Ville à Dômat #252: ‘I Need You’

Després de recuperar-nos d’un gran Vida Festival tornem amb le piles carregades de bona música. L’absent Dvus Julius ens prepara una llista amb el més nou de Hot Chip, Cold War Kids, Whitney, Belle and Sebastian, Friendly Fires o Stormzy i us presentem a les bandes catalanes b1n0 i Moon Vision.
Dijous 22h i Dissabte 13h 100.5FM Ràdio Ciutat Vella
Ville à Dômat: Need You

Favourite Gig: Liam Gallagher

Liam Gallagher, estàtic cantant d’Oasis, una de les bandes de més èxit del pop britànic dels últims anys al costat del seu germà de Noel Gallagher, amb qui manté una relació conflictiva desde fa anys, passa per Barcelona per presentar ‘As you were’ (2017), primer disc que edita sota el seu nom després del projecte Beady Eye i que ha estat tot un èxit al Regne Unit. Avui en concert a Razzmatazz.

Ville à Dômat #208: ‘Happy Shiny Mondays’

This is gonna be another happy shiny monday! Un altre dilluns i una altra cita amb Divus Julius Bonasera i la millor música indie del moment. Avui estrenem el més nou de Muse, Beach House, Iceage, Albert Hammond Jr i Manic Street Preachers. entre d’altres. Descobrirem a nous artistes com Indoor Pets, Husky Loops, Earhart, Geowulf, Lauv o Boy Azooga. A més us informarem sobre els concerts de Liam Gallagher i Mando Diao.
Parlarem de la sèries del moment: DARK i de festivals com el Vida Festival, el Bilbao BBK Live i el Brunch -In Barcelona.
Dilluns 19h 100.5FM Ràdio Ciutat Vella
Ville à Dômat: Happy Shiny Mondays

Best Covers: Portugal. The Man “Don’t Look Back in Anger”

Following the horrific attacks in London the Oasis stadium shaker “Don’t Look Back in Anger” returned to relevance as those affected by the tragedies used the song as a rallying call for unity and positivity. Both Noel and Liam Gallagher responded appropriately, with Noel donating royalties from the song to various organizations and Liam adding the tune to his solo repertoire.

Portugal. The Man also adopted the tune into their live rotation stateside, playing it at a number of recent gigs including a special collaboration with Cage the Elephant’s Matt Shultz at Bonnaroo. The band recently sat for an acoustic session and recorded the heartfelt cover in a stripped down setting.

Ville à Dômat #183: ‘Eureka Moment’

Comença la setmana Sónar  i dedicarem el programa a repassar el millor d’aquesta nova edició. Punxarem alguns dels artistes que hi participaren com De La Soul o River Tiber. Entrevistarem a la gent d’un dels segells musicals més rellevants del país: Luup Records. Divus Julius i el mestre Bergman estrenaran el més nou de Fleet Foxes, The War On Drugs, Benjamin Clementine, Liam Gallagher,  Local Natives o Arcade Fire; a més de descobrir a noves bandes com ara Lo Moon,The Away Days, The Amazons, Bad Sounds o Animal Husbandry. Tota la info sobre el festival This Is Hardcore a la Razzmatazz-
Cada dilluns podeu gaudir d’un Eureka Moment escoltant Ville à Dômat 100.5FM 7PM a Radio Ciutat Vella
Ville à Dômat: Eureka Moment